Friday, July 9, 2010

One year ago..

One year ago today, I woke up and had no idea what the day was going to bring. I had plans to go out to eat with my parents and Aunt and Uncle for lunch. When I woke up, I noticed that I had some spotting when I was going pee. I went and did what I usually do when I have something happen to me that I want more answers too... I went straight to google! "Is spotting a sign that labor is near?" I went on to find that in many times it is but just like with every other thing in pregnancy, it's not a clear sign of anything. This was a Monday and I was supposed to be induced on Wednesday but I figured I would call the doctor and just check to make sure that this spotting was ok. They said they could get me in at 1:00 that day. So lunch with my family was a no-go for me that day, but my mom still came over while the rest of them went. To kill time before the appointment, we went to the mall and while we were there we went to the candy store to get some candy for me when I was in labor because the doctor said that's a good thing to have since you can't eat or drink anything! While we were walking around the mall I really started feeling a lot of cramping and I thought maybe it was a sign that something could happen soon, but I didn't know how soon!

We headed off to the Dr. and got right in. Dr was checking me for dilation and looks at me and said "You're in labor. Go ahead and go down and check into Labor & Delivery" My stomach dropped. I asked him, "So does this mean that I'm going to have him tonight for sure or do I just check in and see if things progress?" He said "This is it! You aren't going to check out until you have that baby!" It was so surreal... I couldnt' believe what was happening.

I called Eric right away because he was at work and told him to come right now and to bring in all of the bags from my car. Luckily I went to that appointment with all our bags. Later I find out from everyone at work that he didn't exactly come RIGHT away... he went throught the entire building telling everyone he knew that his wife was in labor which sounds about right if you know my husband :) That is ok though because I didn't know that there was so much waiting involved before I was going to have that baby!

My mom and I left the doctor's office and headed to labor & delivery.. and I was in charge of getting us there because I knew where it was. Or I thought I did. We went the wrong way about 3 different times. I was just walking and not thinking straight.. I was in such a state of shock still. We got a good laugh out of that though!
We got all checked in and Eric arrived shortly after. It was probably about 2 or 3:00. They got me all hooked up and were monitoring my contractions. They were off and on for alittle while and I couldn't feel them at all. They asked what kind of birthing methods I wanted to use. I didn't really think or plan this all through before I got there. I tried the birthing ball a little and then I got into the tub. It didn't take very long once I was in there and I was starting to feel the contractions. I thought "Oh no, I'm feeling contractions, I better get back to the room before I have the baby! Ha, I was definitely a first timer! I got back into the room and all hooked up again. I was REALLY feeling the contractions now. :( They checked me and I had gone from a 4 (That is what I was at when I checked in) to a 5. They asked if I wanted an epidural. I didn't really know if it was the right time to do it or not and the nurse was not very helpful! I decided I would wait a little longer. The contractions kept getting more frequent and painful so finally I decided to call the nurse back in.

It took about 30 minutes for the surgeon to get there to do my epidural. It actually wasn't bad at all. I was expecting it to be a lot worse but compared to the contractions, that needle was nothing. It took another 30 minutes for the epidural to finally take effect and then I was golden. Why did I wait to get it?? It was pretty much amazing, I didn't feel a thing. In fact I had what they consider a "perfect epidural". I could still feel my legs but I couldn't feel the contractions. It wasn't long before they decided to break my water. You'll have to ask my hubby for that part of the story, ha! He got quite the kick out of it. The water just kept coming and coming... and I would laugh and more would shoot out. It was so uncontrollable and such a weird feeling!

Once my water was broke I started progressing a lot faster. I think it took about an hour until I was at a 9. And that was at 10:00 pm. I thought I was going to deliver Caden that day of 07/13. I'm at a 9 and all I have to do is give a little push and he's here, right??? Not the case!

The pushing lasted 2 hours. I was exhausted. Dr. said I was fortunate that I didn't have to have to have a C-Section though because Caden wasn't wanting to fit through my pelvis and was stuck down there for awhile, hence the major conehead once he made it out!

At 12:14 on July 14th, my sweet little boy was laid into my arms. Our life was changed forever.

People always say how having a child is the most wonderful thing but I never realized it until I had one of my own. I can't even begin to describe the love that I have for him. He is amazing. Every morning once I hear that he's up I can't wait to walk into his room and see him for the first time that day. I love to watch him learn and grow every day. I love to teach him new things. I love taking him new places. I love watching him play with his Daddy and seeing how they love eachother. I love hearing him laugh. I love how he curls his little legs underneath his butt and sticks it so high in the air when he sleeps. I love how he crawls so fast across the room when he see's one of us after we just get home. I love how he claps his hands when he gets so excited and has the biggest cheesiest smile on his face. I love waking up to the sound of his voice saying "MaMa" through the monitor. I LOVE him. And that love grows
Thank you God for giving me this amazing little boy. I can't imagine life without him.

and one year later he we are....

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post! Brought tears to my eyes! How amazing is the gift of life?
